THE COLLECTIBLE SECONDARY MARKET WORKS~ Each Lincoln County Garden Club figurine is produced in a pre-determined number... then the mold is destroyed. They're sold at the issue price of $27.50 per figurine until each is sold out...no more are available. This is when the secondary market comes into play. SECONDARY MARKET...means individual collectors, speculators or liquidators may sell their figurine collections to buyers at whatever the "going price" is...or to put it another way, what ever the market bares...(using supply and demand to set their prices.This is the same principle that applies to selling antiques and collectibles).... .. So although they were
originally purchased at $27.50 each;issue FYI: CHECK THE SIGNATURES ON CRUNKLETON FIGURINES FOR AUTHENTICITY. MANY COME SIGNED AT THE FACTORY STATING NAMES OF ARTIST AND FIGURINE, MERELY FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. However, Clubs 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are made in the USA...and ARE actually signed by Marge Crunkleton. SECONDARY MARKET VALUES...(these figures are to the best of my knowledge and may fluctuate according to supply and demand in your area.) CLUB ONE....All sold out.... members have been known to sell as high as $350.00 each. CLUB TWO...All members have
been know to sell in the range of $75.00 to $150.00. CLUB THREE...All Sold out...members have been known to sell in the range of $100.00 to $200.00. CLUB FOUR...All members have
been known to sell in the range of $125.00 to $150.00. CLUB FIVE...All sold out... members have been known to sell in the range of $125.00 to $150.00. CLUB SIX...Most members have
been known to sell in the $125.00 to $150.00 range. CLUB SEVEN...All members
are still available at $27.50 issue price. CLUB EIGHT... NINE... TEN...ELEVEN...TWELVE...THIRTEEN...FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN,and SIXTEEN are all available at the issue price of $27.50 each....until THEY are sold out. F Y I : Three additional
LCGC were created and they are NOT in any Note: The Crunkleton Collector book is full of additional stories and will help pull the "World of Crunkleville Story" together...like why "no more queens". etc...etc. ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING THE SECONDARY MARKET CAN BE ANSWERED BY EMAILING MARGE DIRECTLY AT margecrunkleton@aol.com. Thanks
for Crunkle-Lecting! |
CRUNKLETON CREATIONS ~ Note: not to be confused with Crumpleton's, Crunkelton's, Krunkleton's... and so on... Thanks! 6708 PLEASANT DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC USA 28211 PHONE/FAX 1.704.367.7854 ![]() Crunkleton Creations ©Copyright Marge Crunkleton 2002 - All Rights Reserved Web Services by Community Concepts. |