Don't forget to complete your collection with the Collector Book and Tabloid...

Price $33.50

LCGC Collector's Book
Margaret Kalashian Crunkleton

  • The Collector Book is a valuable reference tool for all Crunkle-lectors

  • The book pictures every garden club figurine (starting with the very rare CLUB l) and also includes a reduced copy of every Crunkleville Inquirer tabloid Marge has ever written!

  •  There is additonal "nonscence" in the book that is not covered in the tabloid!

NOTE: I will however warn you to be on the look-out for a few miscellaneous but, harmless errors I have made in the publication... a privilege of the elderly (me).

ANOTHER NOTE: (known error) At the photo shoot Margaret I and Margaret II were arguing about who should be it really matters...well, the photographer got upset and confused the two of them. He was so mad, he threw his hands up in the air....and shot them both on the spot.
Just remember this:  Lady margaret I wears a black dress, furs around her neck and cherries on the brim of her hat.  Lady Margaret II wears a hat sporting two yellow birds on top...with long tail feathers on each side that tickle her under her chin.


This tasteful tabloid is compiled by Marge Crunkleton; artist and creator of the Lincoln County Garden Club, to keep you abreat of the antics of the ladies and gents in the club.

Theses club members, all sixty-something and more, have proved to be a spirited group and have shown... you get out of life what you put into it... that it ain't over til it's over... and I hope the fat lady never sings!

ust remember you only get old once...
so let the good times roll!

Marge sculpts a new club every year (Health Permitting), has them reproduced in North Carolina... then hand-painted by local artisans, in anticipation of their "Final Resting Place" in your hearts and homes.

Each new club is pictured and featured in a new Crunkleville Inquirer Tabloid and given free with your member purchase.

P.S. Come Crunkle-lect with us as we smile away those inevitable senior moments.

Note: not to be confused with Crumpleton's, Crunkelton's, Krunkleton's... and so on... Thanks!
PHONE/FAX 1.704.367.7854

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